Machine "sleep" are recorded. • This option is only for PowerBook Click here to record machine sleep. Machine "Power down" are recorded. Click here to record machine stop. Machine "startup" are recorded. Click here to record machine start. Record method is chronological. This means each process is recorded immediatly when launched. The consummed time is recorded only when the programm is ended. Click here to choose chronological recording method. This means each process is recorded immediatly when launched. The consummed time is recorded only when the programm is ended. Minimum time (in seconds) to register program data. This setup is disabled if "Linear Record" option is selected. Time spent in front is recorded. This means that background programs will not be recorded or will be with a null time. Click here to record time spent in front. This means that background programs will not be recorded or will be with a null time. Recording CPu time. This time is provided by the "Process Manager". Click here to record the CPU time. This time is provided by the "Process Manager". This is the file name of the history file. This SetUp is only used if the extension is named "Spyßg". Click here to Setup Spyßg preferences. The "Machine infos" window is displayed on startup. Click here to disable this. The "Machine infos" window is not displayed on startup. Click here to display it on startup. Disabled because the machine is setup in black and white. Click here to change the windows colors. This is the creator of the program to which Yooz data will be exported. Click here to choose the program to which Yooz data will be exported. Color printing is enabled. Click here to disallow color printing. Disabled because selected printer isn't able to print in color. Color printing is disabled. Click here to allow color printing. Windows are hidden when Yooz is in background. Click here to show them when Yooz is put in background. Windows are still visible when Yooz is in background. Click here to hide them when Yooz is put in background. Windows position is saved. Click here to disable windows position saving. Windows position is not saved. Click here to save windows position when quitting Yooz. The "Graph" window is displayed on startup. Click here to disable this. The "Graph" window is not displayed on startup. Click here to display it on startup. The "Stats" window is displayed on startup. Click here to disable this. The "Stats" window is not displayed on startup. Click here to display it on startup. The "Program list" window is displayed on startup. Click here to disable this. The "Program list" window is not displayed on startup. Click here to display it on startup. The "History" window is displayed on startup. Click here to disable this. The "History" window is not displayed on startup. Click here to display it on startup. The "About …" window is displayed on startup. Click here to disable this. The "About …" window is not displayed on startup. Click here to display it on startup. • If the SHAREWARE isn't registred, it is always displayed WIndows are displayed in color. Click here to use black and white. Disabled because this machine is setup in black and white. WIndows are displayed in black and white. Click here to use color. Click here or press "ESC" to close this window without saving the changes. Click here or press "Enter" to save the changes and close this window. Click here to create a register file. Click here to enter your personnal key code. SHAREWARE data Click here to reset the name and the serial number. Yooz may be distributed : • On servers • On diskettes and CD given with some magazines • On SHAREWARE CD ROMs Here is my mail address. If you need a quick answer, prefer email Here is Yooz icon. If you don't see this icon on your hard disk, please rebuild the desktop Yooz version Click here and… Click here or press "Enter" to close this window.